Amarillo, Azul y Rojo
Amarillo, Azul y Rojo is a series inspired by the colors of the Venezuelan flag. Galavis also calls this series “Nationalist Figurative Expressionism” which invokes the beautiful and complex relationship with his motherland.

This series its a raw explosion of colors where emotion, passion, feelings and impulses melt into figurative forms.

The Extermination of the Venezuelan People: 17 Years of Controlled Regime
This series representsGalavis deepest sentiments and emotions about the dangerous chaotic life in Venezuela. The tragedy the Venezuelan people live through is relentless: newborns placed in cardboard boxes and families digging through garbage for dinner. This is their reality — an elected social democratic government quickly turned into a tyrant, vicious, oppressive regime of destruction, leaving this oil enriched country in ruins.
Oro y Plata
Oro y Plata is a series that represents this prehistoric precious natural resources (Gold and Silver) that have accompanied the human race since the beginning of time. This series of portraits show the wealth and power that those precious metals have brought to us, all depicted through the strength of the female form, the most undervalued power, the creator.

This series is a tribute to One for All, All for One, Galavis favorite saying as a youngster. It represents how Humanity, All living things, Nature, the Earth and the Universe in its entirety are all interconnected in an invisible perfect harmony. One that could free us, strengthen us, if we would only take the time to really feel and love each other.

Simetria Humana
“Simetria Humana” depicts our human need and quest for perfection, which in turn, perfection can only occur when we realize and embrace our imperfection.

The New World
“The New World” is a cry to embrace our feminine side, our feminine powers, to finally turn the balance around and understand we are all the same.

El Mundo Dorado
A look at the world through a golden filter.

La Vida en Azul y Rojo
The life cycle in Blue and Red
Rostros Emotivos
Sometimes we are afraid to express how we really feel, we look into the mirror and deny ourselves not realizing we are more similar, than we are apart.

Instagram Influencer
Are we all pretending?
Collective Consioussnes
When we tap into “Collective Consciousness” we connect to the power of all, the power to all, it is only then we truly realize “We Are”.

Inner Life
How many times do you want to face yourself? Are you going to let your Ego still control you?

Mind, Thought and Emotion
Trial and tribulations then dealing with one’s pain.